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Welcome to the Southern African Global Distance Education Network Website.

The Global Distance EducationNet (DistEdNet) is a knowledge guide to distance education designed to help clients of the World Bank and others interested in using distance education for human development. The Network consists of a core site located at the World Bank and regional sites in all parts of the world. This is the regional site for Southern Africa. Resources on the site are organized by countries and the following four themes:
How do you design a distance learning course and how do you ensure the learner benefits from it?     Communication between teachers and learners is by broadcast, recorded, interactive or print technologies.
Find out different ways of organizing distance education and how to manage budgets, teaching personnel, technology and student administration. 


  How do you setup and maintain distance education system, at a national or state level, or inside an existing educational institution?  
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    Education Network--The World Bank    

A project of the World Bank's Human Development Network Education and Technology Team.   Designed and produced with The South African Institute for Distance Education.