Saide is delighted to announce its extensive involvement in a four year project led by UNISA, which will increase access for ECD practitioners to quality programme for birth to four educators. An innovative aspect of the programme is the development of a community involving a number of universities, two NGOs and two TVET colleges. Sheila Drew describes the project. |
Often as many as 100 children at a time stream into Kibera community library in Nairobi, Kenya, to be exposed to African Storybooks read aloud from being projected onto a wall. Saide’s African Storybook Initiative donated a laptop and a digital projector to the library and Dorcas Wephukulu, our Kenyan Country Co-ordinator, has been supporting them on how to use the website.. |
Wits and NMMU are two partners in the Siyaphumelela Initiative, funded by the Kresge Foundation and co-ordinated by Saide, to improve student success systematically through the use of data analytics. Recent visits to the universities by Saide and the data coach, Dr Jan Lyddon aimed to get feedback on progress and identify areas where support is needed. Ephraim Mhlanga and Najma Agherdien participated in the visits. |
- In memoriam - Dr Juliet Tembe (1954-2016)
- Saide welcomes Dr Tony Lelliott to the team.