Management critresult.GIF (1809 bytes)
crittan.GIF (1061 bytes)

The programme achieves valid teaching and learning goals in cost-effective ways that have a positive impact on society and meet the needs of clients and national priorities

Note: This criterion is intended to summarize the main results shown by a successful education provider. The Criteria for Quality Distance Education for each of the elements of distance education will assist or, in some cases, are vital for the attainment of these results. In the end, however, an educational provider will be judged by the degree of success in the achievement of valid learning and teaching goals, the satisfaction of its clients, the self-improving ethos in the educational provider, cost-effectiveness, and the type of impact on society.

Elements of the CRITERION

  1. The mission and policy of the educational provider are in accordance with the principles and policy in the relevant national education and training acts and the economic and educational needs of the country.
  2. The educational provider fulfils its mission.
  3. The aims, entry level skills knowledge and experience, learning outcomes and content of the courses, course materials and programmes are valid, relevant and up to date.
  4. The programmes, courses and course materials are informed by and meet the needs of the stakeholders and target learners.
  5. Counselling and support systems are informed by and meet the needs of the target learners.
  6. The administrative systems are informed by and meet the needs of learners and of staff involved in programme/course/support design and delivery.
  7. Assessment is reliable and focuses on learning goals and outcomes.
  8. Assessment results and/or evaluation and monitoring mechanisms show that sufficient learners achieve the outcomes that are established for individual programmes and courses.
  9. The educational provider has quality systems in place to ensure continuous self-improvement.
  10. Staff is all involved in a co-ordinated way in continuous improvement of the programmes, courses, course materials, administration, and support services.
  11. Sufficient numbers of learners complete the individual programmes and courses successfully to justify the cost in time and personpower for the design of the programmes, courses and learner support system.
  12. The educational provider has financial results that afford the learners a reasonable prospect of completing their studies, and sufficient surpluses to ensure the future development of products and services.


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