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ZINADOL Fact Sheet No 1

This is a short brochure on the aims and objectives of the Zimbabwe National
Association for Distance and Open Learning (ZINADOL).

Submitted to SAIDE in July 1999.

Permission granted.

Zimbabwe National Association For Distance and Open Learning (ZINADOL) Fact Sheet No. 1
March 1998


ZINADOL was formed in July 1997 by a cross section of stakeholders interested and involved in Distance and Open Learning for the following purposes :-

  • to promote access to education and training through D&OL modes;
  • to advance, advise on and promote D&OL;
  • to liaise with Government and local and international agencies in advancing D&OL;
  • to develop and promote the capacity of members in D&OL, through staff development programmes;
  • to seek funds and sponsorhip to achieve these objectives;
  • to collaborate and co-ordinate with persons at national, regional and international levels who are engaged in the pursuit of D&0L;
  • to provide and promote a forum for interaction among users and providers of D&0L, and organisations with common goals;
  • to promote acceptable standards of practice in distance and open learning;
  • to act as a clearing house for information and publications on D&OL;
  • to undertake consultancies in the firld of D&OL and to report on them, and
  • to encourage the adoption of appropriate modern techniques and technology in D&OL.

A second workshop in December 1997 identified three facets of an Action Plan which ZINADL is now seeking to promote -
1 training to improve the quality and understanding of D&OL;
2 the use of media and technolgy to expand the opportunities for D&OL;
3 ideas for a newsletter to improve national awreness of these opportunities esecially among our rural population, and to disseminate the latest techniques of D&OL so that practioners may improve the delivery.


Why not write to us for further information about ZINADOL.  If you have any role to pay in D&OL - even as a student - or simply feel that ourt objectives are worth promoting, we would like to welcome you as a member of ZINADOL.  There are various categories of membership and fees are minimal.

The Secretary
PO Box MP 1385
Mount Pleasant

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