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What part has collaboration played in the development of distance education?

Collaboration among distance teaching institutions has taken several forms in the past 15 to 20 years, including joint development of materials, joint delivery of courses or programs, joint programs to offer a credential, and the delivery of programs through a collaborating institution.

Several factors have encouraged the development of such collaboration:

  • Supportive government policies
  • Institutional impetus to make better use of scarce resources
  • Technological advances that have made collaboration easier and cheaper.

Collaborative schemes nevertheless involve problems and pitfalls, some internal—relating to the development of new policies and attitudes—and some external.

More on collaboration
Kamua, J. & Lusunzi, I.S. 1999. Possibilities For Collaboration Among Continuing Education Institutions In Botswana. Papers presented at the 1st National NADEOSA Conference held 11-13 August 1999

Kamau, J.W. & Mphinyane, O.P. 1998. Integration of Distance Education Institutions of other Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Member Countries into the Distance Education Association for Southern Africa (DEASA). Paper presented at the DEASA, 25th Anniversary 23 - 25 October 1998.

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