Technology Broadcast and Computer-based
Hypertext and the Web
Hypertext is a protocol for linking parts of documents to other documents or to parts of other documents. Clicking on a "hot spot" in a hypertext document activates a hypertext link in the underlying software, taking the reader to the linked item. These items may be text, audio, graphics, or video documents—separate files coded in hypertext markup language (HTML). HTML files are read by a Web browser, a mouse-driven software interface like the one you are using to consult this Web database. Writing text-based course materials in HTML is no more complex than using a wordprocessor, and the hyperlinking function allows a course developer to build interactivity into the courseware, presenting students with options and paths to follow depending on their interests, for example, or on the answers they give to self-test questions.
Resources on hypertext and the Web
Ivala, E. 1999. The Internet and Distance Education. Paper presented at the 1st National NADEOSA Conference held 11-13 August 1999

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