Teaching and Learning Design
Who will be on the course team?
The work of designing, delivering, and teaching a distance learning course is best divided among several specialists. The course is then the product of a course team.

At a minimum, a course team consists of a content specialist supported by a technology specialist, as when a teacher designs a study guide with the help of an editor, or a video conference course with the help of a producer.

Because it is usually best to use several technologies in a distance learning course, course teams, particularly those in single-mode institutions, generally consist of a dozen or more members. These members might include:

  • One or more content specialists
  • One or more instructional designers
  • A video producer (and perhaps script writers)
  • An audio producer (and perhaps script writers)
  • A text editor
  • A computer software and Internet specialist
  • A photographer, a graphic designer, or an artist
  • One or more administrators.

In a consortium or an electronic virtual organization the team members could be in many different locations or institutions.

More on course teams
Mphinyane, O. 1998. Introduction to Distance Education: Using teams at work, Botswana College of Distance and Open Learning Course Design & Development Workshop 27th July - 7th August 1998

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