Teaching and Learning Design
Course design is the first of the four stages of teaching distance learners. The work in this stage should take into account the other three stages: course delivery, instruction, and learner support.

In designing a course, the following questions should be considered:

Education managers will need to decide whether a course will be designed by a specialist course team (and taught by specialist instructors) or designed by the person who will teach it.

More Resources:

Lusunzi, I.S. 1999. Building Instructional Activities in Distance Education Self-instructional Materials. Paper presented at the 1st National NADEOSA Conference held 11-13 August 1999

Botswana Ministry of Education. 1998. Evaluation Report of the English Time Project 1994-1998

Kamau, J.W. 1997. Characteristics of Distance Learners, Diploma in Primary Education Course Writers Workshop December 1-5, 1997, Oasis Motel.

Mphinyane, O. 1998. Introduction to Distance Education: Using teams at work, Botswana College of Distance and Open Learning Course Design & Development Workshop 27th July - 7th August 1998

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